
Museo Laboratorio della Civiltà Contadina

The Museo Laboratorio della Civiltà Contadina (Museum-workshop of the Peasant Culture) is a ethno-anthropological museum of Matera, situated in the ancient Sassi districts. It has been created by Donato Cascione and it’s managed by the homonym cultural association.

The structure is composed by a built ambient of the XVI century called lamione that extends the volume of a network of several pre-existing caves, connected for exhibition purpose.

With its extension of 500 m² the museum is the biggest one of its kind in the South Italy.


m² exhibition area


exhibition rooms


foundation year

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“The day the fascist government decided everyone must contribute with gold, copper and iron to the growth of Italy, it was my tenth birthday. My parents took the news badly. – They give with one hand and take with the other! – said my father, referring to the cash prizes they gave to large families. […]

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Donato Cascione

Founder of the Museum

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Barbara Eramo

Founder of the Museum

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Anna Cascione

Artistic workshop of the Museum

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