
Typical house

Most of the peasants lived in the caves or later in the ‘lamione’ a single-room on ground floor illuminated and aired just by the entry-door and a window above it.

The mule shed was inside the men’s residence: some times the manger was so close to the beds that during the night it was not unusual that the mule placed his muzzle on his master’s bed.

The furniture was simple. There was the bed with the mattress full of dry corn leaves so high that they needed a chair to get on it.

Close to the bed there was a chest for the laundry or a chest with drawers. On it there were usually one or more bell jars containing the patron saints and many relatives’ photos.

There were also: a large wood case containing wheat and fodder, a table (b’ffett) with one drawer, in which there were the tablecloth and the pieces of tin-coated cutlery, some chairs with woven straw fund, some wood stool (chiancodd) and various tools (hoes, scythes…).

The children’s and grandparent’s beds were isolated with cloth curtains.

There were also hens, cat, dog and some times even the pig.

In the front part of the cave there was the kitchen or a rudimentary fireplace.

On the wall upon the bed there were pictures with religious representations.

In the bottom of the room the entry of the dark mule shed was visible and the stinky air from there spread all the time.

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Typical house4

